Hydrogen Gas: A Versatile and High-Quality Solution

MATHEACHEM offers high-quality Hydrogen Gas (H2) to serve a wide range of applications across various industries. Our commitment to providing exceptional products and services ensures our Hydrogen Gas meets the highest standards for purity, performance, and sustainability.

Choose MATHEACHEM for Premium Hydrogen Gas

As a leading supplier of chemicals and petrochemicals, MATHEACHEM is dedicated to providing the highest quality products and services to our customers worldwide. By choosing our Hydrogen Gas, you can be confident that you are receiving a premium product that meets the highest industry standards.

Our team of experts is committed to delivering the best possible customer experience, offering technical support and guidance to help you make the most of our Hydrogen Gas in your industrial processes. We understand the unique needs and challenges of various sectors and are here to help you achieve your goals.

For more information about our Hydrogen Gas and other products, or to discuss your specific requirements with our team, please contact us today.

Chemical Specifications

MATHEACHEM’s Hydrogen Gas meets the following chemical specifications:

  • Hydrogen concentration: 99.9% by volume
  • Oxygen (O2): 0.02% by volume maximum
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2): 0.001% by volume maximum
  • Carbon monoxide (CO): 0.0005% by volume maximum
  • Nitrogen (N2): 0.1% by volume maximum


We provide a variety of packaging options to cater to the diverse needs of our customers:

  • Cylinders: 6, 7, and 8 m3.
  • Tube trailer.
  • Any other suitable container, depending on customer requirements.

Our packaging solutions ensure the safe transportation and storage of Hydrogen Gas while providing convenience and flexibility for our clients.

MATHEACHEM’s Commitment to Quality and Innovation

MATHEACHEM is dedicated to continuous improvement and innovation in our product offerings. Our team of experts is always researching and developing new applications and solutions to meet the ever-evolving needs of our clients.

Research and Development

We invest in research and development to drive innovation and ensure that our products, including Hydrogen Gas, continue to meet the highest standards of quality and performance. Our commitment to innovation allows us to anticipate and respond to the changing needs of the industries we serve, providing cutting-edge solutions that keep our clients ahead of the curve.

Properties and Applications of Hydrogen Gas

Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant chemical element, represented by the symbol H and having an atomic number of 1. It is a colorless, odorless, non-toxic, diatomic, and monocular gas with a molecular formula of H2. Due to its unique properties and versatility, Hydrogen Gas finds numerous uses across different sectors.

Chemical and Oil Industries

Hydrogen Gas is a key element in many processes in the chemical and oil industries. One of the largest uses of hydrogen is its role in the manufacturing of ammonia. Hydrogen is also utilized for improving the quality of fossil fuels, such as through dehydrated desulfurization and hydrogen cracking. As a key factor in hydrogenation, Hydrogen Gas serves as a reducing agent in various applications.

Mineral Ore Reduction

Hydrogen Gas is used as a reducing agent to process mineral ores, enabling the extraction of valuable metals and other elements.

Welding Processes

As a protective gas in welding processes, Hydrogen Gas is essential for atomic hydrogen welding and other related techniques.

Deep Cooling

Hydrogen Gas is used in deep cooling applications, such as turbine generator cooling, due to its low fluid resistance and low viscosity.

Paint, Petrochemical, Glass, and Ceramics Industries

Hydrogen Gas is employed in numerous industrial processes within the paint, petrochemical, glass, and ceramics industries, where it contributes to the production of high-quality products.

Alternative Energy Source

With growing interest in sustainable energy sources, Hydrogen Gas is increasingly being considered as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels, offering a clean and efficient option for various applications.

Environmental Benefits of Hydrogen Gas

As industries continue to search for environmentally friendly solutions to power their operations, Hydrogen Gas has emerged as a promising alternative. Hydrogen, as a clean energy source, produces only water when it reacts with oxygen, leaving no harmful by-products or greenhouse gas emissions.

Renewable Energy Storage

Hydrogen Gas can be produced from renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. By utilizing these resources to generate hydrogen, it becomes a means to store and transport renewable energy. This flexibility enables hydrogen to serve as a vital component of future energy systems that prioritize sustainability and the reduction of carbon emissions.

Transportation Sector

The transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. The adoption of hydrogen fuel cell technology in vehicles has the potential to significantly reduce these emissions. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) emit only water vapor, making them a clean and eco-friendly alternative to conventional combustion engines. MATHEACHEM’s high-quality Hydrogen Gas can be a valuable asset for the growing hydrogen-powered transportation sector.

Safety and Handling of Hydrogen Gas

Hydrogen Gas, while non-toxic, can be highly flammable under certain conditions. MATHEACHEM prioritizes safety in the production, packaging, and distribution of our Hydrogen Gas, ensuring that our customers receive a product that meets the highest safety standards.

Best Practices

To ensure the safe handling and storage of Hydrogen Gas, it is essential to follow industry best practices and guidelines:

  • Store cylinders in a well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and open flames.
  • Secure cylinders to prevent them from falling or being knocked over.
  • Use appropriate safety equipment and follow manufacturer guidelines when handling cylinders.
  • Ensure that gas detection systems are in place and functioning correctly.
  • Follow all applicable safety regulations and guidelines related to the use and handling of hydrogen gas.

Global Reach

With a strong presence in both the Romanian and Egyptian markets, MATHEACHEM is well-positioned to cater to the global demand for chemicals and petrochemicals. Our extensive network and partnerships enable us to efficiently distribute our products, including Hydrogen Gas, to customers worldwide.

By choosing MATHEACHEM as your Hydrogen Gas supplier, you can be assured that you are partnering with a company that prioritizes quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. Our dedication to excellence in all aspects of our business ensures that we can provide the highest level of service and support to our clients.